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Coming to work for 3 Wise Monkeys Climbing

For starters, forget what you think you know about working for a climbing centre. We're different. We're busy at different times, our vibe is different, we're trying hard to make our centre the best it can be - and that means everyone. We want people who wholeheartedly want to work here, because of what and who we are. We are not your route into the outdoor industry, nor are we a great stepping stone towards being a mountaineering instructor. You should be coming to work for us because of the impact you can make with us, today. If you're just looking for some hours till the summer freelance work starts back up, then save us both the headache and look elsewhere. We hire for cultural fit, and train our people for the skills they need for the job. Sometimes we're looking for someone really specific, in which case there will be a job advert below. In any case, your first port of call should be to come and talk to us, send us an email, say what you're after, ask questions etc. fire an email to team@threewisemonkeysclimbing.com with your contact details and a bit about you.